Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What is Digital Humanities?

The term Digital Humanities cannot be easily defined. We can start by splitting up the two terms. Digital, can be easily defined as 0s and 1s. It is something that cannot be physically touched. We are currently living in a digital era; most people have a “smart phone” and use social media daily. It is the quickest way for people to communicate with one another. The term, humanities, is often defined by the branches it covers, which are: writing, communications, history, music and art. Now, you put those two words together and it is the fusion of technology with every branch of humanities. The creation of digital humanities is a powerful step in the right direction. Digital Humanities will now allow the sharing of emotions and feelings through technology. We can communicate quicker and share art, music and history to one another, all while sitting behind a computer.  We will be able to use digital media and technological tools to investigate and research the different areas in humanities. It opens huge doors for colleges and even offices.  Many think that by changing text and art into something digital we are destroying the original piece and that digital humanities is the end of humanities.  I feel that digital humanities will further our education in the field. Along with most other technological advancements many people are hesitant at first. Through the use of technology people will easily be able to express themselves and it may in fact help people who are shy to express themselves using technology as a medium. Art will be able to be shared and seen throughout the world without ever having to leave your home. History and writing will be able to be shared to the masses through many different websites. I feel that if people remain open minded, Digital Humanities will be a fantastic tool in the study and education of humanities.  

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