Many years ago e.e. Cummings wrote dozens of poems that
would remain famous and popular for years to come. He incorporated a new design
for poetry. He wrote some vertically, while not spelling words normal. He
helped invent a new form of poetry. In Alison Clifford’s electronic literature
“The Sweet Old Etcetera” she incorporated Cummings original poetry.
As the program starts the user to able to click on words and
fallings leaves as the poem continues. It is very interactive and incorporates
sounds along with the poetry. The author liked the idea of having the poetry
turn into trees and different forms of nature. The poem is built from the soil
up. As you continue to click a beautiful landscape appears made from Cummings
words. Cummings not being a traditional poet would probably like the poem if still alive today. He would have enjoyed the idea of reading his poetry through a new medium. One of his most famous pieces is “A leaf Falls”. In this piece he writes a leaf falls inside the word loneliness. “The Sweet Old Etcetera” shows this piece in an interactive way, which allows the user a new insight on how to read the poem.
This poem shows the
opportunity that electronic literature gives to users. You are still able to
enjoy the classic poetry while making it more modern. At the beginning of my Digital Humanities
class I was a little skeptical about changing old art and making it modern. I
have always enjoyed the idea of just reading poetry out of an old book, but I personally
enjoyed this poem.

It was very ascetically
pleasing. It allowed me to read, watch and listen to Cummings poetry which has
never been available to a person before. I feel if all poetry was transferred
to be “played” on a computer more students would not complain about reading
poetry because this is a more interactive way to experience it.
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