I felt a personal connection with Week 4’s materials,
especially Thursdays. Both Electronic Literature stories dealt with the
thoughts and feelings most women deal with on a daily basis. Jackson’s “My body
a Wunderkammer” allowed the user to click on different parts of the female body
and the author spoke about a time in her life where she learned something she
had never known. It was interesting to
see the author’s point of view on many topics that women have obviously thought
about. The second article “Pieces of herself” by Davis was a personal favorite.
Throughout the “game” users were taken to different scenes
and given the opportunity to select different thoughts and objects and then
place it on the woman’s body off to the side. Each scene showed you the
domestic life of women and how we are “suppose” to act. As I said I felt a
personal connection with this story, most girls probably do. As you continued
to place different objects on the body different corresponding noises continued
to play in the background, quiet enough to be overlooked but loud enough to be irritating.
This is the concept I found most interesting.
Every girl knows it and very few admit to it, but by the end
of the day we are all exhausted. Not physically, not necessarily mentally, but
most definitely emotionally. Though we
may not show it on our faces, though some of us do, we are NEVER just thinking
about one thing, ever. Constant thoughts, worries and ideas are running through
our brains during daily chores. When we are at class, we are not solely
thinking about class. When we are cooking, we are not just thinking about
cooking. Our minds are constantly streaming conversations, mistakes and
regrets. Throughout “Pieces of herself”
the user hears these irritating noises in the background; I played this story
as if those annoying noises are the annoying thoughts that women constantly
have in the back of their minds. By the end of the game and by the end of our
day, we have headaches and are usually annoyed by those “background noises”. In conclusion, both of these stories held much deeper
meaning for me because I am a woman. I feel that both authors managed to get
the idea of a typical womens’ day across to the reader.